Emo Fuck

I know I’ve never been nice to Ju. Or I tried to be nice and be friends with him, but I cant help it. He is too emo for me to handle. Yea. U read it right. Too emo for me to handle. And I am now glad and happy about my decision. Let’s read his post shall we?


You know, this is about the fourth time I'm attempting to write something meaningful to commemorate the 100th blog post on this here blog. The first 3 times all ended up with me raging and ranting against Ju's Bitches. You know, the same old formula of fuck you, you mistreated me, you disappoint me, hope you get crabs and gonorrhea.. that sort of thing. And honestly, that's getting a bit tiresome. Even for me. I'm just really tired of letting these women still affect me even though its already been 4 years, more than enough time to finally bury them in their respective bad memory graves and piss all over it. In more kinder terms, to forget them and move on. And so I shall. I have to develop some mental fortitude and grapefruits of steel. Of course it won't be easy. Whenever I think about gi gyn and michelle, i still get angry and sad and always utter their names followed by the words "fucking" and "bitch", followed by a good 15 minutes of smoking and calming myself down and chanting the mantra of "move on" repeatedly till my man child mind gets distracted by cleavage and snickers. Mmmmm.. snickers and cleavage...

Anyway coming back to my main point. It's painfully obvious that both women aren't as affected by their past interactions with me and have moved on to bigger dicks, or women thinking they have a dick in Michelle's case. So its a bit aggravating and lop sided that I'm still carrying all this emotional baggage and they're most decidedly not. So, goodbye gi gyn and michelle. I still don't understand why you treated me the way you did, but I think at this point and time that's rather irrelevant. Have a nice life. Its more than you deserve but hey, live and let live.

The other girls? Ah well, it wasn't meant to be. Specifically because I don't appreciate being dominated and treated like a handbag(that's you Voon Ping) and being lead around because you think I'm SCARY. Boo. So long .

Of course I'll be the first to admit I did a few things wrong as well. I'm sorry if I came on too strong. I'm sorry I cared too much. I'm sorry I kept staring at you but it was only because I thought, at that time, without knowing your real personality, that you were hot. I'm sorry I was too intelligent for you. I'm sorry for a lot of things I know I shouldn't be sorry for, but hey, fresh slate and all that jazz you know.

Oh shit... I did it again didn't i?

Anyway, sans the above mentioned events and people, life's been great in the last 4 years. Degree holder, job not related to said degree, good family, good friends, bad smoking habit. I daresay, the good memories far outweighed the bad ones if I step back and look at the bigger picture. I let myself get too traumatised by these women till it almost became all consuming, and I apologize for acting the way I did with my real family and real friends. I promise to try to be "happier" and less cynical about shit in life.

Hopefully this marks the first of many steps to me being a less emo man child and being more emotionally balanced and matured.

And to the rest of you lot.. whether you got here by clicking on the wrong link, curiosity or just plain boredom, thanks for reading. Here's to another 100 posts .

Special mention to penis elongating commenter, I'm fine with the size of my dick. Really. I don't feel inadequate at all. Will have the future women I sleep with fill out a survey if you want.

and to anonymous who finds my language "offensive and rude and will never come here again" well, you gave yourself better advice than I could (backspaces FUCK YOU YOU SENSITIVE CUNT!)

May future posts begin with "So me and the gf were fucking each other's brains out the other day ...."

Taken from ju-rants.blogspot.com


Is case, if u wonder why am I being so sensitive. Let me show u…

Anyway coming back to my main point. It's painfully obvious that both women
aren't as affected by their past interactions with me and have moved on to
bigger dicks, or women thinking they have a dick in
Michelle's case
. So its a bit aggravating and lop sided that I'm
still carrying all this emotional baggage and they're most decidedly not. So,
goodbye gi gyn and michelle. I still don't understand why you treated me the way
you did, but I think at this point and time that's rather irrelevant. Have a
nice life. Its more than you deserve but hey, live and let live.

There… even highlighted nicely for u.

Women thinking they have dick? Butches who dressed like male doesn’t mean they THINK they have dick. It is just they was they are comfortable with. Out of 10 butches I know, 9 of them tells me that they are however female. And do not wish to have a dick. After all if they have a dick, we are not called lesbians, no?

Now, stop being emo will u? And face the freaking fact that I am indeed very much a lesbian now.




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Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
A 24 yr old girl living in the city all her life. Crazy, quiet, emotional and sometimes suicidal...
