from reuben...

hey there michelle...:) well, how r u? doin good? It's been a long long time since i last saw u, messaged u, or chat with u...all i could remember is that, u sent me an sms or messaged me through the internet that u saw me working at cafe flam...that's all...after that, there weren't anything from u already at all...I know that u're still angry with me after what i did to u last time but, I don't expect u to listen or believe in this k...? But, I've been looking for u ever since u told me that u saw me working at cafe flam..i'm not looking for u because i wanna find trouble with u or anything...i was looking for u because i was hoping to see u again for once... After all, it's been so long since u got angry with me right? I don't know whether u'll reply my message or not but i really really really do hope that u'll reply...

I've actually drove past ur house a few times n i don't know whether u're still staying there or not...I dared not even go n ring the door bell or call out ur name because i'm afraid that u might not come out to see me n i don't know whether u're actually still staying there at ss19 or not...well, i'm telling u honestly now that i'm not here to look for any trouble...but could we just start talkin to each another again? Well, i was a bloody idiot last time when i was at that age la k? i admit that it's my fault...but if u woul allow, could we be friends? at least? But if u can't then i'd respect ur decision...anyway, have u been working for a long time already? take care of urself k? Just really really wanna know how r u doing....have a nice day...:) Reuben

i have begin to speak with ju, chris... and now reuben. what the fuck is going on? reunion of exes?!!

excuzi mua mr reuben... 1st of all i did not see u at cafe flam. Don’t be so fucking perasan can or not? It is my fren’s fren who is working there mentioned that u work there so in my mind was like “oh. That fucker”. even if i did see u, i wont even know its u bcos i already have fucking deleted ur dumbass face from my brain. dont be so thick face can or not? Just who do u think u r?

u know I am still angry den why bother to email me? u definitely be sure that u’re not looking for trouble. Bcos if u do, u r gonna be so dead. actually no. am not angry. not worth it. just... i feel that, u r one of those walking creature on earth wasting earth's oxygen and space. in short. u're a piece of rubbish to me.

stop driving pass my house ok? Im warning you. I could actually lodge a police report stating that there’s someone stalking at my house. So my advise, don’t. I have reported once, and don’t make me report another. And no. it is impossible to talk to u and be friends with u anymore after u have fucked me and leave me and not answering my calls. And ur lame excuses… of my god. “oh. my dad got slashed by gangsters. I cant talk right now” when I called u using a fucking pay phone. Lame-nyer…

and how am I really doing? It’s really none of ur fucking business. So fuck off.




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Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
A 24 yr old girl living in the city all her life. Crazy, quiet, emotional and sometimes suicidal...
