hacker alert?

i got this comment from my previous post.

wow...such a special treatment u given to her this time..as i recalled..u never treat CW with such a good treatment..swearing ppl's parents...blowing out ppl stuff like nobody business..it's always been ur job, and now u hold back ur finger instead??not worth to hack this time...

well... wow back at you. thanks for keeping track on me. checking on me see if i did talk nonsense about my gf or not? er... whatever u're looking for.

i dont think i ever mentioned what happened to CW and me. hmmm...

long story cut short.
i got together with her back in 2006 until 2008. yes. 2 yrs rship. my longest rship. when happy, i dont blog about anything. when argue, i rant every single shit out. why break up? i cant handle her temper.

therefore i deserve to be hack just because i rant every single shit out of the argument. and plus, deleted my posts about me ranting about her.

talking about freedom of speech eh?

so yea. i've been hacked previously. my blog was misheru-t. after being hacked, it was changed to tania-t.

so whats the whole purpose of it? beats me... i guess it's because i rant too much about negativity? *shrugs*

oh well... is it time for me to pray hard so that this blog doesnt get hack to? *pouts*




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Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
A 24 yr old girl living in the city all her life. Crazy, quiet, emotional and sometimes suicidal...
